Adorning the Dark

by Andrew Peterson     |     Book Summary

Author: Andrew Peterson
Publisher: B&H Publishers
Date: 2019
Pages: 202

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Through the years, Andrew Peterson has often been asked to "teach about songwriting, novel writing, creativity and the arts, and community" (p. ix). These requests present Peterson with an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, Peterson is not educated and is not an academic. On the other hand, Peterson is a practitioner who has great experience doing these creative things. 

His experience as a practitioner qualifies Peterson to teach about the creative process even though he is not classically trained or academically lettered. He has "written a few hundred songs, played a few thousand concerts, written a handful of books, and executive produced an animated short film based on those books" (p. ix). He's also the founder of a creative community known as The Rabbit Room

In sum, this book offers a look into Peterson's "faltering journey as a songwriter, storyteller, and Christian" (p. xiii). Part personal memoir and part instruction about the creative process, Adorning the Dark is a helpful and insightful guide for aspiring artists, musicians, and creatives.

Adorning the Dark

by Andrew Peterson

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Andrew Peterson
Publisher B&H Publishers
Date 2019
Pages 202


Through the years, Andrew Peterson has often been asked to "teach about songwriting, novel writing, creativity and the arts, and community" (p. ix). These requests present Peterson with an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, Peterson is not educated and is not an academic. On the other hand, Peterson is a practitioner who has great experience doing these creative things. 

His experience as a practitioner qualifies Peterson to teach about the creative process even though he is not classically trained or academically lettered. He has "written a few hundred songs, played a few thousand concerts, written a handful of books, and executive produced an animated short film based on those books" (p. ix). He's also the founder of a creative community known as The Rabbit Room

In sum, this book offers a look into Peterson's "faltering journey as a songwriter, storyteller, and Christian" (p. xiii). Part personal memoir and part instruction about the creative process, Adorning the Dark is a helpful and insightful guide for aspiring artists, musicians, and creatives.