Child Proof

by Julie Lowe     |     Book Summary

Author: Julie Lowe
Publisher: New Growth Press
Date: 2018
Pages: 163

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Parenting is hard. In the midst of difficulties, parents often cry out for the perfect formula that will produce perfect children. Is there a method of instruction or discipline that will get my child to behave, be successful in life, and avoid the problems of a broken world?

The answer is no, but this should not cause us to grieve. Instead of giving us a formula, God has given us something so much better — the wisdom of His Word by the power of the Spirit as we imitate our perfect Heavenly Father and His perfect Son. God has given us freedom to apply His wisdom to the unique family that He has given us. We don't parent by finding a magic formula; we parent by faith in the promises of our God while resting in His sufficient grace. Parents need a reminder of what God has called us to be as parents, the strength and resources that are available in Christ, and the incredible privilege and responsibility it is to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

Child Proof

by Julie Lowe

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Rankin Wilbourne
Publisher David C. Cook
Date June 1, 2016
Pages 320


Parenting is hard. In the midst of difficulties, parents often cry out for the perfect formula that will produce perfect children. Is there a method of instruction or discipline that will get my child to behave, be successful in life, and avoid the problems of a broken world?

The answer is no, but this should not cause us to grieve. Instead of giving us a formula, God has given us something so much better — the wisdom of His Word by the power of the Spirit as we imitate our perfect Heavenly Father and His perfect Son. God has given us freedom to apply His wisdom to the unique family that He has given us. We don't parent by finding a magic formula; we parent by faith in the promises of our God while resting in His sufficient grace. Parents need a reminder of what God has called us to be as parents, the strength and resources that are available in Christ, and the incredible privilege and responsibility it is to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).