Christian Theistic Evidences

by Cornelius Van Til, edited by K. Scott Oliphint     |     Book Summary

Author: Cornelius Van Til, edited by K. Scott Oliphint
Publisher: P&R Publishing, 2nd Edition
Date: February 29, 2016
Pages: 260

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

This universe is owned by the sovereign and holy God, and there is a distinctly Christian way to defend the Christian faith. The Christian must not seek to undermine his own belief system by allowing other worldviews to dictate the rules of the debate.

The Christian must not give ground to mere scientific or so-called 'neutral' worldviews in order to make a case for God. We must not let any lesser authorities trump the ultimate authority of the Scriptures. Therefore, the Christian apologist must stand firmly upon the truth that without the triune God of the BIble this universe could not exist or make sense.

"The knowledge of God that we all [believers and unbelievers] have is foundational to every other thing that we know or believe." (Oliphint, p. xxx, emphasis in original). Thus, defending the Christian faith must presuppose "the absolute authority of the triune God of Scripture" (back cover). Christians shouldn't grant neutrality in our discussions of our holy God.

Christian Theistic Evidences

by Cornelius Van Til, edited by K. Scott Oliphint

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Cornelius Van Til, edited by K. Scott Oliphint
Publisher P&R Publishing, 2nd Edition
Date February 29, 201
Pages 260


This universe is owned by the sovereign and holy God, and there is a distinctly Christian way to defend the Christian faith. The Christian must not seek to undermine his own belief system by allowing other worldviews to dictate the rules of the debate.

The Christian must not give ground to mere scientific or so-called 'neutral' worldviews in order to make a case for God. We must not let any lesser authorities trump the ultimate authority of the Scriptures. Therefore, the Christian apologist must stand firmly upon the truth that without the triune God of the BIble this universe could not exist or make sense.

"The knowledge of God that we all [believers and unbelievers] have is foundational to every other thing that we know or believe." (Oliphint, p. xxx, emphasis in original). Thus, defending the Christian faith must presuppose "the absolute authority of the triune God of Scripture" (back cover). Christians shouldn't grant neutrality in our discussions of our holy God.