Delighting in the Trinity

by Michael Reeves     |     Book Summary

Author: Michael Reeves
Publisher: IVP Academic
Date: 2012
Pages: 135

Book Summary of Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves

The doctrine of the Trinity is central to Christianity. While it's true that the word Trinity is not found in the biblical text, it's also true that specific doctrinal formulations were developed over time and in response to various false teachings. Nevertheless, the doctrine of the Trinity is thoroughly biblical and essential to Christian faith and practice.

If we want to understand the statement, "God is love," we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity. If we want to understand the salvation of sinners, we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity. If we want to understand the experiential side of the Christian faith, we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity.  

Those who want to dig deep about this important doctrine will benefit from Delighting in the Trinity. However, the book shouldn't just be read by theologians. Anyone who wants to have a better understanding of Christianity and anyone who wants to have a better knowledge of God should read this book.

Delighting in the Trinity

by Michael Reeves

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves

Author Michael Reeves
Publisher IVP Academic
Date 2012
Pages 135


The doctrine of the Trinity is central to Christianity. While it's true that the word Trinity is not found in the biblical text, it's also true that specific doctrinal formulations were developed over time and in response to various false teachings. Nevertheless, the doctrine of the Trinity is thoroughly biblical and essential to Christian faith and practice.

If we want to understand the statement, "God is love," we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity. If we want to understand the salvation of sinners, we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity. If we want to understand the experiential side of the Christian faith, we must begin with the doctrine of the Trinity.  

Those who want to dig deep about this important doctrine will benefit from Delighting in the Trinity. However, the book shouldn't just be read by theologians. Anyone who wants to have a better understanding of Christianity and anyone who wants to have a better knowledge of God should read this book.