Generous Justice

by Timothy Keller     |     Book Summary

Author: Timothy Keller
Publisher: Dutton
Date: 2010
Pages: 230

Book Summary of Generous Justice by Timothy Keller

"A true experience of the grace of Jesus Christ inevitably motivates a man or woman to seek justice in the world." (p. ix)

Generous Justice was written to impress this truth on the hearts and minds of four different groups of people, all of whom struggle to connect grace and justice.

  1. Young believers who are interested in caring for the needy but fail to understand the sacrifice required in dying to self.
  2. Believers who are suspicious about any call for justice because of the mistakes of theological liberals like Walter Rauschenbusch.
  3. Younger evangelicals who have developed an interest in social justice while also abandoning traditional forms of ministry and orthodox doctrine.
  4. Non-believers who have bought the lie, promoted by people like Christopher Hitchens, that religion poisons everything.

Each group needs to understand that the gospel of grace leads to a passion for justice.

Generous Justice

by Timothy Keller

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Timothy Keller
Publisher Dutton
Date 2010
Pages 230


"A true experience of the grace of Jesus Christ inevitably motivates a man or woman to seek justice in the world." (p. ix)

Generous Justice was written to impress this truth on the hearts and minds of four different groups of people, all of whom struggle to connect grace and justice.

  1. Young believers who are interested in caring for the needy but fail to understand the sacrifice required in dying to self.
  2. Believers who are suspicious about any call for justice because of the mistakes of theological liberals like Walter Rauschenbusch.
  3. Younger evangelicals who have developed an interest in social justice while also abandoning traditional forms of ministry and orthodox doctrine.
  4. Non-believers who have bought the lie, promoted by people like Christopher Hitchens, that religion poisons everything.

Each group needs to understand that the gospel of grace leads to a passion for justice.