God's Big Picture

by Vaughan Roberts     |     Book Summary

Author: Vaughan Roberts
Publisher: IVP Books
Date: 2002
Pages: 170

Book Summary of God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts

The Bible is one single story broken up over 66 books, two testaments, and thousands of years of history. The focal point of the story is Jesus — the hero whose death and resurrection saves all who believe in Him.

Too often, though, we read the Bible as though it were a disjointed collection of self-help tips or theological nuggets. This shouldn't be the case. Rather, when we know where a text fits into God's big picture, we can zoom in and truly understand the details. For this, we need biblical theology.

As we zoom out and look at God's big picture, we can see how a given passage points us to Jesus as well as teaches us something about the original audience and people in the story. This is vital for properly reading, interpreting, and teaching Scripture. 

If we want to know the meaning of any given passage of Scripture, "we must consider where it fits in [God's] great plan and how it contributes to it" (p. 20). We need the big picture in order to understand Scripture, and biblical theology will "enable you to get your bearings when you land in any part of it" (p. 21).

God's Big Picture

by Vaughan Roberts

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts

Author Vaughan Roberts
Publisher IVP Books
Date 2002
Pages 170


The Bible is one single story broken up over 66 books, two testaments, and thousands of years of history. The focal point of the story is Jesus — the hero whose death and resurrection saves all who believe in Him.

Too often, though, we read the Bible as though it were a disjointed collection of self-help tips or theological nuggets. This shouldn't be the case. Rather, when we know where a text fits into God's big picture, we can zoom in and truly understand the details. For this, we need biblical theology.

As we zoom out and look at God's big picture, we can see how a given passage points us to Jesus as well as teaches us something about the original audience and people in the story. This is vital for properly reading, interpreting, and teaching Scripture. 

If we want to know the meaning of any given passage of Scripture, "we must consider where it fits in [God's] great plan and how it contributes to it" (p. 20). We need the big picture in order to understand Scripture, and biblical theology will "enable you to get your bearings when you land in any part of it" (p. 21).