Good and Angry

by David Powlison    |     Book Summary

Book Summary of Good & Angry By David Powlison

Author: David Powlison
Publisher: New Growth Press
Date: September 12, 2016
Pages: 256

Book Summary of Good and Angry by David Powlison

Everyone has anger. Whether we take aim at someone or are our own targets, we've all experienced the fruit of anger on a regular basis. It is a complex human response to the things we deeply care about that are usually met with wrongdoing.

Indignation, righteous or not, is directed toward real or perceived wrongs requiring a form of justice to be meted out. Anger is multi-faceted and wielded more in a sinful manner than that of a constructive and redemptive nature.

Powlison, in his book Good and Angry, explores anger in all its forms and helps his readers to navigate toward a faithful and fruitful expression of anger, returning good for evil and redeeming wrongs by focusing on God's own anger in Scripture.

Good and Angry offers biblical, constructive, and practical advice for those who struggle with the many components of the anger family including bitterness, complaining, and irritation.

Good and Angry

by David Powlison

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Good & Angry By David Powlison

Book Summary of Good and Angry by David Powlison

Author David Powlison
Publisher New Growth Press
Date September 12, 2016
Pages 256


Everyone has anger. Whether we take aim at someone or are our own targets, we've all experienced the fruit of anger on a regular basis. It is a complex human response to the things we deeply care about that are usually met with wrongdoing.

Indignation, righteous or not, is directed toward real or perceived wrongs requiring a form of justice to be meted out. Anger is multi-faceted and wielded more in a sinful manner than that of a constructive and redemptive nature.

Powlison, in his book Good and Angry, explores anger in all its forms and helps his readers to navigate toward a faithful and fruitful expression of anger, returning good for evil and redeeming wrongs by focusing on God's own anger in Scripture.

Good and Angry offers biblical, constructive, and practical advice for those who struggle with the many components of the anger family including bitterness, complaining, and irritation.