
by JC Ryle     |     Book Summary

Book Summary of Holiness by J.C. Ryle

Author: J.C. Ryle
Publisher: Banner of Truth
Date: 2014
Pages: 480

Book Summary of Holiness by JC Ryle

Holiness is a comprehensive overview of the Christian life. Personal holiness is rooted in who we are in Christ — new creations — before anything we do. Our thoughts and actions are to be holy. God commanded His children to imitate Him (Eph. 5:1). Our Father is holy, therefore we must bear the family resemblance in thought and deed.

We grow in holiness as we devote ourselves to Christ, meditate on Scripture, and rely on the Holy Spirit to use Scripture to make us more like Christ. Sanctification is the process of growing in holiness — likeness to the character of Christ.


by JC Ryle

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Holiness by J.C. Ryle

Book Summary of Holiness by JC Ryle

Author J.C. Ryle
Publisher Banner of Truth
Date 2014
Pages 480


Holiness is a comprehensive overview of the Christian life. Personal holiness is rooted in who we are in Christ — new creations — before anything we do. Our thoughts and actions are to be holy. God commanded His children to imitate Him (Eph. 5:1). Our Father is holy, therefore we must bear the family resemblance in thought and deed.

We grow in holiness as we devote ourselves to Christ, meditate on Scripture, and rely on the Holy Spirit to use Scripture to make us more like Christ. Sanctification is the process of growing in holiness — likeness to the character of Christ.