More Than a Healer
by Costi W. Hinn | Book Summary
Author: Costi W. Hinn |
Certainly, Jesus is a healer, but He is so much more than that. We must look beyond what Jesus can do for us and be reminded of who He is. Jesus is God, our Savior, and our Redeemer. The fullness of His deity can never be comprehended by our human minds. He is eternal, unchanging, and unfathomable in His greatness. "Can we ever have enough of Jesus? If we think we can, we ought to think again." (p. xvi) We all suffer in this life, but if we keep our eyes on the eternal truths of Scripture we will be given the strength to endure. Maybe the healing will come while on this earth, maybe it won't. It doesn't change who God is or His covenant promises to His people. That is where our true healing lies. |
Costi W. Hinn is the president and founder of For the Gospel, a ministry that provides sound doctrine for everyday people through weekly videos, articles, and a podcast. He is a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and serves as a pastor at the Shepherd's House Bible Church in Arizona, where he resides with his wife and children.
He is also the author of God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel and Defining Deception: Freeing the Church from the Mystical-Miracle Movement, both of which were written after years of serving under his uncle and world-famous Word of Faith preacher, Benny Hinn. Much of his ministry is dedicated to reaching others who have been deceived and exploited by the Word of Faith and similar movements.
More Than a Healer
by Costi W. Hinn
[ Book Summary ]
Author | Costi W. Hinn |
Publisher | Zondervan |
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 192 |
There is no shortage of suffering in this world, and there is no shortage of those who exploit that suffering for shameful gain. So many are driven to a state of desperation by their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain that they end up deceived and confused. They're so busy seeking the healing they want that they miss the Healer they really need.
Certainly, Jesus is a healer, but He is so much more than that. We must look beyond what Jesus can do for us and be reminded of who He is. Jesus is God, our Savior, and our Redeemer. The fullness of His deity can never be comprehended by our human minds. He is eternal, unchanging, and unfathomable in His greatness. "Can we ever have enough of Jesus? If we think we can, we ought to think again." (p. xvi)
We all suffer in this life, but if we keep our eyes on the eternal truths of Scripture we will be given the strength to endure. Maybe the healing will come while on this earth, maybe it won't. It doesn't change who God is or His covenant promises to His people. That is where our true healing lies.
Costi W. Hinn is the president and founder of For the Gospel, a ministry that provides sound doctrine for everyday people through weekly videos, articles, and a podcast. He is a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and serves as a pastor at the Shepherd's House Bible Church in Arizona, where he resides with his wife and children.
He is also the author of God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel and Defining Deception: Freeing the Church from the Mystical-Miracle Movement, both of which were written after years of serving under his uncle and world-famous Word of Faith preacher, Benny Hinn. Much of his ministry is dedicated to reaching others who have been deceived and exploited by the Word of Faith and similar movements.