None Greater

by Matthew Barrett     |     Book Summary

Author: Matthew Barrett
Publisher: Baker Books
Date: March 5, 2019
Pages: 283

Book Summary of None Greater by Matthew Barrett

What does it mean that God is perfect?

We might think we can answer this instinctively. Ponder a while though, and the question grows in complexity.

Too often our answers end up describing a being who is like us on a larger scale. If so, we have some deeper thinking to do. We cannot — we must not — bring God down to our level.

The Creator God of the Bible is a being who cannot be tamed. He is distinct from creation as the Creator. God is the most perfect, supreme being. He is infinite. In His fullness, He is incomprehensible to our finite minds. 

This means that certain perfection-making characteristics (attributes) must be true of Him. Since He is not subject to creaturely limitations, He is unchanging, eternal, self-existent, and independent.

Yet He is also a God who reveals Himself, showing perfect holiness, love, and mercy, enabling even us limited creatures to know Him.

There is none greater than this God. Let's ponder Him together.

None Greater

by Matthew Barrett

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of None Greater by Matthew Barrett

Author Matthew Barrett
Publisher Baker Books
Date March 5, 2019
Pages 283


What does it mean that God is perfect?

We might think we can answer this instinctively. Ponder a while though, and the question grows in complexity.

Too often our answers end up describing a being who is like us on a larger scale. If so, we have some deeper thinking to do. We cannot — we must not — bring God down to our level.

The Creator God of the Bible is a being who cannot be tamed. He is distinct from creation as the Creator. God is the most perfect, supreme being. He is infinite. In His fullness, He is incomprehensible to our finite minds. 

This means that certain perfection-making characteristics (attributes) must be true of Him. Since He is not subject to creaturely limitations, He is unchanging, eternal, self-existent, and independent.

Yet He is also a God who reveals Himself, showing perfect holiness, love, and mercy, enabling even us limited creatures to know Him.

There is none greater than this God. Let's ponder Him together.