Preaching and Preachers

by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones     |     Book Summary

Author: Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Publisher: Zondervan
Date: January 2012
Pages: 352

Book Summary of Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Preaching is a work that only the church is equipped to do. It is the main task of the church and the main work of the preacher. Any other work is secondary. Preaching is essential because of the sinful condition of man and because of the Redeemer revealed in Scripture.    

The Holy Spirit is essential for preaching to be preaching. He must be involved in every aspect of the sermon from preparation to delivery. The main point of the sermon should come from the main point of the text. The Holy Spirit reveals this to the preacher and gives him the message. The preacher is a vessel used by God to deliver His message, not any message they think they should deliver. Preaching is theology coming through a man on fire to help the congregation have an encounter with God. 

In our day, there is a dearth of biblical preaching. There is a clear call to return to preaching as the Bible reveals it so that people may have an encounter with God.

Preaching and Preachers

by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Author Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Publisher Zondervan
Date January 2012
Pages 352


Preaching is a work that only the church is equipped to do. It is the main task of the church and the main work of the preacher. Any other work is secondary. Preaching is essential because of the sinful condition of man and because of the Redeemer revealed in Scripture.    

The Holy Spirit is essential for preaching to be preaching. He must be involved in every aspect of the sermon from preparation to delivery. The main point of the sermon should come from the main point of the text. The Holy Spirit reveals this to the preacher and gives him the message. The preacher is a vessel used by God to deliver His message, not any message they think they should deliver. Preaching is theology coming through a man on fire to help the congregation have an encounter with God. 

In our day, there is a dearth of biblical preaching. There is a clear call to return to preaching as the Bible reveals it so that people may have an encounter with God.