Progressive Covenantalism

by Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker     |     Book Summary

Author: Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker
Publisher: B&H Academic
Date: April 15, 2016
Pages: 320

Book Summary of Progressive Covenantalism by Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker

"From the beginning, the church has wrestled with how to put together the biblical covenants and understand the nature of fulfillment in Christ Jesus our Lord." (p. 1) Progressive Covenantalism examines themes such as the Mosaic law, the Sabbath, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles, the land promise, and circumcision, seeking to show how all of these topics progress through Scripture finding their ultimate fulfillment in and through Christ.

Progressive Covenantalism is written for Christians no matter their theological background. It is aimed to explain Scripture in light of the progression of redemptive history through the covenants of the Bible.

Progressive Covenantalism

by Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Progressive Covenantalism by Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker

Author Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker
Publisher B&H Academic
Date April 15, 2016
Pages 320


"From the beginning, the church has wrestled with how to put together the biblical covenants and understand the nature of fulfillment in Christ Jesus our Lord." (p. 1) Progressive Covenantalism examines themes such as the Mosaic law, the Sabbath, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles, the land promise, and circumcision, seeking to show how all of these topics progress through Scripture finding their ultimate fulfillment in and through Christ.

Progressive Covenantalism is written for Christians no matter their theological background. It is aimed to explain Scripture in light of the progression of redemptive history through the covenants of the Bible.