Seasons of Refreshing

by Keith J. Hardman     |     Book Summary

Author: Keith J. Hardman
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Date: 2006
Pages: 304

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

In Seasons of Refreshing, author Keith J. Hardman provides a comprehensive treatment of revival movements from the earliest settlements of Europeans to the modern day. Hardman guides the reader through history from the Puritans to the First Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, and to the Third Great Awakening on the verge of the Civil War. He surveys the lives of leaders of mass evangelism and revival, including Frelinghuysen, Edwards, Whitefield, Finney, Moody, Graham, and Palau. In addition to these well-known leaders, Hardman portrays the lives of lesser known figures from a variety of Christian traditions in American church history. 

The reader will be stirred by the stories of effective evangelism and renewed in faith by seeing how God has worked in the past. Reading these stories of the past calls the church today to seek the Lord for fresh rivers of revival and renewal in the church, bringing a needed and fresh hunger for global evangelization.

Seasons of Refreshing

by Keith J. Hardman

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Keith J. Hardman
Publisher Wipf and Stock Publishers
Date 2006
Pages 304


In Seasons of Refreshing, author Keith J. Hardman provides a comprehensive treatment of revival movements from the earliest settlements of Europeans to the modern day. Hardman guides the reader through history from the Puritans to the First Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, and to the Third Great Awakening on the verge of the Civil War. He surveys the lives of leaders of mass evangelism and revival, including Frelinghuysen, Edwards, Whitefield, Finney, Moody, Graham, and Palau. In addition to these well-known leaders, Hardman portrays the lives of lesser known figures from a variety of Christian traditions in American church history. 

The reader will be stirred by the stories of effective evangelism and renewed in faith by seeing how God has worked in the past. Reading these stories of the past calls the church today to seek the Lord for fresh rivers of revival and renewal in the church, bringing a needed and fresh hunger for global evangelization.