The Book That Made Your World

by Vishal Managlwadi    |     Book Summary

Author: Vishal Mangalwadi
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Date: 2001
Pages: 466

Book Summary of The Book That Made Your World by Vishal Managlwadi

The Bible breathed life into the soul of the West. From medicine to democracy, the impact has been felt for years. The Bible influenced the abolition of slavery in England and the founding of the United States of America. Western innovation was driven by a Biblical worldview and work ethic.

When compared with non-Western cultures and civilizations, it becomes plain that worldview is important. The primary implication of our worldview is how we view other people. Human dignity impacts how we work, how we do medicine, and our interactions with other people. 

A high view of our neighbors comes from Scripture. Every other worldview either shelters us in our selfishness or diminishes the dignity God has given each human by creating them in His image. Without the Bible, we will never have the right view of others. 

The West is beginning to lose its soul because of its disregard for the Bible. The solution to this is not more education and universities but to return to God's Word and His plan for a successful society.

The Book That Made Your World

by Vishal Managlwadi

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of The Book That Made Your World by Vishal Managlwadi

Author Vishal Mangalwadi
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Date 2001
Pages 466


The Bible breathed life into the soul of the West. From medicine to democracy, the impact has been felt for years. The Bible influenced the abolition of slavery in England and the founding of the United States of America. Western innovation was driven by a Biblical worldview and work ethic.

When compared with non-Western cultures and civilizations, it becomes plain that worldview is important. The primary implication of our worldview is how we view other people. Human dignity impacts how we work, how we do medicine, and our interactions with other people. 

A high view of our neighbors comes from Scripture. Every other worldview either shelters us in our selfishness or diminishes the dignity God has given each human by creating them in His image. Without the Bible, we will never have the right view of others. 

The West is beginning to lose its soul because of its disregard for the Bible. The solution to this is not more education and universities but to return to God's Word and His plan for a successful society.