The Four Loves

by C.S. Lewis     |     Book Summary

Author: C.S. Lewis
Publisher: Harper One
Date: 1960
Pages: 180

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

The Apostle John famously wrote that "God is love" (1 Jo. 4:8). As Christians, we are called to love as the most important commandment we have (Mat. 22:34-40). It is essential, then, that we understand what love is, what it looks like in our lives, and how we can love God and others. 

Our love is only a reflection of the love of the God who gives generously. When we give, we are reflecting that love. This does not mean, however, that neediness cannot be considered love, for even our need for love honors God because it displays His worth as the Giver. We must take care, however, that our love does not become an idol in our lives. If it becomes a god, it becomes a demon. When we understand love as God intends, we will be able to love God and others in a way that honors Him, whether it be in our affection, friendship, eros, or charity.

The Four Loves

by C.S. Lewis

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author C.S. Lewis
Publisher Harper One
Date 1960
Pages 180


The Apostle John famously wrote that "God is love" (1 Jo. 4:8). As Christians, we are called to love as the most important commandment we have (Mat. 22:34-40). It is essential, then, that we understand what love is, what it looks like in our lives, and how we can love God and others. 

Our love is only a reflection of the love of the God who gives generously. When we give, we are reflecting that love. This does not mean, however, that neediness cannot be considered love, for even our need for love honors God because it displays His worth as the Giver. We must take care, however, that our love does not become an idol in our lives. If it becomes a god, it becomes a demon. When we understand love as God intends, we will be able to love God and others in a way that honors Him, whether it be in our affection, friendship, eros, or charity.