The Heart of the Preacher

by Rick Reed     |     Book Summary

Author: Rick Reed
Publisher: Lexham Press
Date: October 9, 2019
Pages: 210

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

"Preaching is not just hard work; it's heart work." (p. Xvi, emphasis in original) Effective preaching does not begin with the mind or the mouth but the heart. Preachers must take diligent care to guard their hearts against the particular temptations of ministers, such as pride, laziness, defeat, or burnout. 

God tests the heart of the preacher through various providences in order to refine them and make them more into the image of His beloved Son. Preachers must respond to the various highs and lows of ministry with a heart that seeks to honor Christ above all. 

This also means that the preacher should be proactive in the care of his heart. He ought to: 

  1. Read the Bible and pray daily. 
  2. Listen to helpful feedback about his life and ministry. 
  3. Take care of his physical body. 

In these ways, he is stewarding well his gifts and calling. 

Heart work is hard work, but "it's enabled by grace. It's done in response to God's greater work for us, in us, and through us. As preachers, we keep our hearts because we know God keeps us" (p. 209). 

The heart work of the preacher is ultimately for the glory of God, the good of his own soul, and the good of those who hear him.

The Heart of the Preacher

by Rick Reed

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Rick Reed
Publisher Lexham Press
Date October 9, 2019
Pages 210


"Preaching is not just hard work; it's heart work." (p. Xvi, emphasis in original) Effective preaching does not begin with the mind or the mouth but the heart. Preachers must take diligent care to guard their hearts against the particular temptations of ministers, such as pride, laziness, defeat, or burnout. 

God tests the heart of the preacher through various providences in order to refine them and make them more into the image of His beloved Son. Preachers must respond to the various highs and lows of ministry with a heart that seeks to honor Christ above all. 

This also means that the preacher should be proactive in the care of his heart. He ought to: 

  1. Read the Bible and pray daily. 
  2. Listen to helpful feedback about his life and ministry. 
  3. Take care of his physical body. 

In these ways, he is stewarding well his gifts and calling. 

Heart work is hard work, but "it's enabled by grace. It's done in response to God's greater work for us, in us, and through us. As preachers, we keep our hearts because we know God keeps us" (p. 209). 

The heart work of the preacher is ultimately for the glory of God, the good of his own soul, and the good of those who hear him.