The Knowledge of the Holy

by A. W. Tozer     |     Book Summary

Author: A. W. Tozer
Publisher: HarperOne
Date: 1961
Pages: 117

Book Summary of The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer

Getting God right is of paramount importance. "No people has ever risen above its religion, and…no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God." (p. 1)

But how can mankind have the right idea about God? The answer is revelation. God has revealed Himself to man through creation, in the Scriptures, and in the person and work of Christ. The Scriptures explain to man the various attributes of God which communicate a holistic picture of all that He desires to be known about Himself. 

If the contemporary church truly desires to be holy, happy, and helpful to a lost and dying world, she must grow in her understanding of the attributes of God so as to better know God Himself. He "must be sought by prayer, by long meditation on the written Word, and by earnest and well-disciplined labor" (p. 14). This is not an easy task, but it is most definitely a worthwhile one.

Sadly, so many today either reject God outright or have a view of God that is woefully inadequate when compared to the Bible. To combat this, men must gaze upon the majesty of God and find fullness of life in the gospel of Christ.

The Knowledge of the Holy

by A. W. Tozer

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer

Author A.W. Tozer
Publisher HarperOne
Date 1961
Pages 117


Getting God right is of paramount importance. "No people has ever risen above its religion, and…no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God." (p. 1)

But how can mankind have the right idea about God? The answer is revelation. God has revealed Himself to man through creation, in the Scriptures, and in the person and work of Christ. The Scriptures explain to man the various attributes of God which communicate a holistic picture of all that He desires to be known about Himself. 

If the contemporary church truly desires to be holy, happy, and helpful to a lost and dying world, she must grow in her understanding of the attributes of God so as to better know God Himself. He "must be sought by prayer, by long meditation on the written Word, and by earnest and well-disciplined labor" (p. 14). This is not an easy task, but it is most definitely a worthwhile one.

Sadly, so many today either reject God outright or have a view of God that is woefully inadequate when compared to the Bible. To combat this, men must gaze upon the majesty of God and find fullness of life in the gospel of Christ.