When People Are Big and God Is Small

by Edward Welch     |     Book Summary

Book Summary of When People Are Big and God is Small By Edward Welch

Author: Edward Welch
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Date: June 01, 1997
Pages: 256

Book Summary of When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward Welch

Fearing man over fearing God is a common problem for all of us, and this imbalance of fear shows an idolatrous heart that is more concerned with the opinions of men than the opinions of the Lord. "The fear of man is no respecter of persons. It might be called codependency with adults, peer pressure with teens, and shyness with children, but whatever it is called, it all betrays the same idolatrous heart." (p. 192)

When we fear God properly we are then free to love others the way that God loves us. Such sacrificial love takes our eyes off of ourselves and turns them toward Christ and other people.

When People are Big and God is Small is written for the entire church. It is rooted in biblical counseling and is aimed at providing a proper understanding of the fear of man and the fear of the Lord.

When People Are Big and God Is Small

by Edward Welch

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of When People Are Big and God is Small By Edward Welch

Book Summary of When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward Welch

Author Edward Welch
Publisher P&R Publishing
Date June 01, 1997
Pages 256


Fearing man over fearing God is a common problem for all of us, and this imbalance of fear shows an idolatrous heart that is more concerned with the opinions of men than the opinions of the Lord. "The fear of man is no respecter of persons. It might be called codependency with adults, peer pressure with teens, and shyness with children, but whatever it is called, it all betrays the same idolatrous heart." (p. 192)

When we fear God properly we are then free to love others the way that God loves us. Such sacrificial love takes our eyes off of ourselves and turns them toward Christ and other people.

When People are Big and God is Small is written for the entire church. It is rooted in biblical counseling and is aimed at providing a proper understanding of the fear of man and the fear of the Lord.