Work Matters

by R. Paul Stevens     |     Book Summary

Author: R. Paul Stevens
Publisher: Eerdmans
Date: 2012
Pages: 176

Book Summary of Work Matters by R. Paul Stevens

The Bible is not a collection of theological treatises. The Bible is a collection of stories, and taken together, these stories tell one big story. The storytellers behind these stories were theologians, so their stories are loaded with theological truth about God and what God is doing in the world. 

Many of these theologically charged stories describe work, workers, and workplaces. Collectively, these stories help us develop a theology of work. Work can be defined as "any purposeful expenditure of energy—whether manual, mental, or both, whether paid or not" (p. 2). 

A number of theologians have undertaken the task of developing a theology of work. Different approaches have been used, and different emphases have resulted. One can find theologies of work that focus on the Trinity, creation, the image of God, the curse, the new creation, vocation, the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God, and heaven.

"This book is an approach to a comprehensive biblical theology of work." (p. 4) The theology aspect focuses on what work actually is. The biblical aspect focuses on the entirety of Scripture. 

Work Matters

by R. Paul Stevens

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Work Matters by R. Paul Stevens

Author R. Paul Stevens
Publisher Eerdmans
Date 2012
Pages 176


The Bible is not a collection of theological treatises. The Bible is a collection of stories, and taken together, these stories tell one big story. The storytellers behind these stories were theologians, so their stories are loaded with theological truth about God and what God is doing in the world. 

Many of these theologically charged stories describe work, workers, and workplaces. Collectively, these stories help us develop a theology of work. Work can be defined as "any purposeful expenditure of energy—whether manual, mental, or both, whether paid or not" (p. 2). 

A number of theologians have undertaken the task of developing a theology of work. Different approaches have been used, and different emphases have resulted. One can find theologies of work that focus on the Trinity, creation, the image of God, the curse, the new creation, vocation, the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God, and heaven.

"This book is an approach to a comprehensive biblical theology of work." (p. 4) The theology aspect focuses on what work actually is. The biblical aspect focuses on the entirety of Scripture.