
by Paul David Tripp     |     Book Summary

Author: Paul David Tripp
Publisher: Crossway
Date: 2020
Pages: 231

Book Summary of Lead by Paul David Tripp

"I am writing this book because, very often, behind the failure of a pastor is a weak and failed leadership community. We don't have just a pastoral crisis; I am convinced from conversation after conversation with pastors and their leadership that we have a leadership crisis." (p. 17, emphasis in original)

This leadership crisis is rooted in the way that Christian schools, organizations, and churches have structured their leadership teams. What we desperately need today is a gospel-centered approach to leadership with the following characteristics: 

  • Humility: Leaders and leadership teams must be honest about the danger of indwelling sin.
  • Dependency: Leaders and leadership teams must realize that even leaders need to be led. 
  • Prepared spontaneity: Leaders and leadership teams must be ready to extend grace to each other. 
  • Inspection: Leaders and leadership teams must be willing to invite others into our lives. 
  • Protection: Leaders and leadership teams must understand that even leaders need help. 
  • Restoration: Leaders and leadership teams must be eager to restore those who need a new start. 

"The focus of this book is the specific call of the gospel on the way we think about leadership." (p. 29)


by Paul David Tripp

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Lead by Paul David Tripp

Author Paul David Tripp
Publisher Crossway
Date 2020
Pages 231


"I am writing this book because, very often, behind the failure of a pastor is a weak and failed leadership community. We don't have just a pastoral crisis; I am convinced from conversation after conversation with pastors and their leadership that we have a leadership crisis." (p. 17, emphasis in original)

This leadership crisis is rooted in the way that Christian schools, organizations, and churches have structured their leadership teams. What we desperately need today is a gospel-centered approach to leadership with the following characteristics: 

  • Humility: Leaders and leadership teams must be honest about the danger of indwelling sin.
  • Dependency: Leaders and leadership teams must realize that even leaders need to be led. 
  • Prepared spontaneity: Leaders and leadership teams must be ready to extend grace to each other. 
  • Inspection: Leaders and leadership teams must be willing to invite others into our lives. 
  • Protection: Leaders and leadership teams must understand that even leaders need help. 
  • Restoration: Leaders and leadership teams must be eager to restore those who need a new start. 

"The focus of this book is the specific call of the gospel on the way we think about leadership." (p. 29)