Saving Leonardo

by Nancy Pearcey     |     Book Summary

Author: Nancy Pearcey
Publisher: B&H Books
Date: September 1, 2017
Pages: 336

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Often, we tell ourselves, 'It's just a movie or just a novel,' failing to see the worldviews and ideas inherent in art, film, music, literature, and architecture. Yet, secular philosophies, beginning in the universities, have disseminated destructive and dehumanizing concepts for millennia. Moreover, their anti-Christian ideas continue to permeate the culture with disastrous consequences.

These life-denying worldviews have radically restructured society — destroying personhood, beauty, freedom, and ultimate truth. However, historic Christianity is a holistic and humane alternative. By tracing the revolutionary thinkers, artists, ideas, and events that led to the rise of secularism, we can see clearly the fragmented and ruinous worldviews for what they are.

When we learn to identify the artist's worldview and counter it with a biblical one and create and support art that expresses a Christian worldview, we'll better be able to stem the tide of cultural rot and reach those lost in its grasp.

Saving Leonardo

by Nancy Pearcey

[ Book Summary ]

Book Summary of Union With Christ by Rankin Wilbourne

Author Nancy Pearcey
Publisher B&H Books
Date September 1, 2017
Pages 336


Often, we tell ourselves, 'It's just a movie or just a novel,' failing to see the worldviews and ideas inherent in art, film, music, literature, and architecture. Yet, secular philosophies, beginning in the universities, have disseminated destructive and dehumanizing concepts for millennia. Moreover, their anti-Christian ideas continue to permeate the culture with disastrous consequences.

These life-denying worldviews have radically restructured society — destroying personhood, beauty, freedom, and ultimate truth. However, historic Christianity is a holistic and humane alternative. By tracing the revolutionary thinkers, artists, ideas, and events that led to the rise of secularism, we can see clearly the fragmented and ruinous worldviews for what they are.

When we learn to identify the artist's worldview and counter it with a biblical one and create and support art that expresses a Christian worldview, we'll better be able to stem the tide of cultural rot and reach those lost in its grasp.